There are times when we're testing an actual explosion, and then there are times when we blow stuff up just because we can.
By specifically referring to that meeting they are basically testing the waters a bit.
Protesting is a fundamental aspect of our democracy, and I will always encourage this course of action, but it can be intimidating.
Science is curiosity, testing and experimenting.
Protesting against illegal activity is not piracy.
What we have to do is to be forever curiously testing new opinions and courting new impressions.
We're going to keep protesting tomorrow and everyday until tia maria leaves.
And they just lifted it, without testing it, without doing any serious analysis at all, either legal or economic.
Testing is questioning a product in order to evaluate it.
Anyone who advocates pill testing is giving the green light to drugs. That is absolutely unacceptable.
The 99 percent should be protesting college campuses.
Trump is a raptor testing the fences, and he found weaknesses to escape and try things that would work, every single day.
If you're not out testing what's complementary to your brand, you're not making the most of your income potential.
If we can make HIV testing a normal part of looking after your health, we can truly envisage an AIDs-free future in the U.K.
The testing we did kind of opened the can of worms.
Today, we can tell people we have a testing process and facilities in place on a nationwide basis.
There may be circumstances where screening or testing may be appropriate.
We have people protesting us. I think we're doing something right here folks.
Genetic testing in the future is going to be seen as critical as testing your cholesterol.
Protesting is good, but healing is better. We need to see America heal.
Future forecasting is all about testing strategies - it's like a wind tunnel.
Suffice it to say that our over-reliance on testing is based largely on habit, wishful thinking, and leaps of faith.
I'm going to be testing waters in all genres.
He was always testing you. He was always testing his power.
It was our way of protesting the fact that trump wants to spend billions of dollars to build a wall that is pretty useless.