A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass.
Old thanks are not for new gifts.
Thank you, pretty pussy, was the death of my cat.
A guest has not to thank the host, but the host the guest.
Do not blame god for having created the tiger, but thank him for not having given it wings.
The water can only flow thanks to the well.
We ain't what we want to be; we ain't what we gonna be; but thank god, we ain't what we was.
Thanks cost nothing.
A thankless man never does a thankful deed.
Lang tarrying taks a' the thanks awa'. [Long tarrying takes all the thanks away.]
Who does not thank for a little will not thank for a lot.
Do not blame god for having created the tiger, but thank him for not giving it wings.
Men eat fish - thanks to the sauce.
A donkey always says thank you with a kick.
Give assistance, and receive thanks lighter than a feather: injure a man, and his wrath will be like lead.
I'm thankful for everything good and bad that happened to our band.
But this time it might be different and we dare to dream. Thank you very much. It's coming home.
Thanksgiving is a sure index of spiritual health.
We thank the members of rpk for their unanimous support and look forward to continuing this process.
Thank God there has been no recurrence of 9/11. It is not because of luck - it is because of mass sacrifice and effort.
I thank God that I can say on my death bed that I am a virtuous woman.
Not to sound too much like Christopher Guest in 'Waiting for Guffman,' but on Thanksgiving you're putting on a show!
Thank God I applied to Howard. It's where I belonged.
Thank God for Stifler's mom. I don't know if life would be this fun if I didn't have that.
I absolutely adore Thanksgiving. It's the only holiday I insist on making myself.
Work! Thank god for the swing of it, for the clamoring, hammering ring of it.
I have a bad memory - thank God for that!
I want to thank the fans for supporting me.
I give thanks for everything that's ever happened to me and for everything I've got.
Thank you for sending me a copy of your book - I'll waste no time reading it.