Theatre takes place all the time wherever one is and art simply facilitates persuading one this is the case.
Working in the theatre has a lot in common with unemployment.
Theatre is simply what cannot be expressed by any other means; a complexity of words, movements, gestures that convey a vision of the world inexpressible in any other way.
The theatre is a gross art, built in sweeps and over-emphasis. Compromise is its second name.
Theatre is my first love. No matter how tight my schedule may be, for theatre I always find time.
Being in the theatre is like being in a little family you get really close.
Acting in the theatre is fun; acting in film is work.
I always wanted to do theatre but never really took it up, as I was more inclined towards dance and films.
I love the comradery of doing theatre that you don't get in film.
Musical theatre history is littered with bad reviews for now classic pieces.
At the same time, television theatre became more visibly active.
A lot of theatre people are definitely not conservative, but I don't think liberals get to own the culture.
I was doing musical theatre 'til I was, like, 17, and then I started realising I could use my voice in a more, like, current way.
When you come out of the theatre and you don't even talk about that film or remember it, then it disappoints me.
Theatre has taught me a lot, and I am sure there will be a lot to learn.
The only theatre I ever saw was Shakespeare.
Trying to balance theatre and film is really important to me.
Theatre is how I first encountered art on any level.
If I don't do a bit of theatre at least once a year, I feel depleted and starved.
I've been doing theatre since I was 5 years old.
Theatre probably originated without texts, but by the time we get to the classical Greek period, theatre has become text-based.
My theatre is not a conventional one. It is bold, serious, funny, confronting. It is anything but boring.
The regrets in the theatre have always been the shows that you know ought to have worked but for one reason or another haven't.
There's great theatre in New York City, but no New York City in theatre.
When we work on a new theatre piece, we improvise a lot. But it's the opposite in opera, where everything is fixed.
Unless the theatre can ennoble you, make you a better person, you should flee from it.
Both mediums, theatre and film, have really interesting sides to it that I really like to explore.
I did theatre in the U.S. Because there, content-wise, it's very light. In India, theatre tends to get preachy.
I don't believe there's anything that is connected( to the new theatre outbreak) but we don't know that as of yet either.
I like the theatre because you paint with broad strokes. To me the theatre is stretching its definition really far.