It is the theory which decided what can be observed.
Passing the sat: my personal theory is that it has to do with how much money you send them in the mail. I think the amounts they tell you to send are actually just suggested minimum donations - if you get my drift.
Action will remove the doubts that theory cannot solve.
Action will remove the doubt that theory cannot solve.
Morality is the theory that every human act must be either right or wrong and that 99% of them are wrong.
One must either accept some theory or else believe one's own instinct or follow the world's opinion.
It is the theory that decides what we can observe.
My theory is: disclose everything and let people make their judgments.
The theory is correct.
I was interested in this theory because it is so difficult to test in a scientific fashion.
My theory here is simply that if you lead a life you want to live, you would want to continue to live it.
It is human to search for the theory of everything and it is superhuman to find it.
If darwin's theory of evolution was correct, cats would be able to operate a can opener by now.
Without theory, practice is but routine born of habit. Theory alone can bring forth and develop the spirit of inventions.
It is very difficult to enforce against what is in theory an anonymous mass of bondholders.
In theory it's possible.
We need to cut off the king´s head: in political theory that has still to be done.
Religion is not theory - it is life. It is not intellectual conviction - it is divine humanity, and nothing else.
My theory is that many of the things that move us are things we long for but find hard to do.
Our best theory of describing space at a fundamental level is probably string theory.
The Big Bang theory says nothing about what banged, why it banged, or what happened before it banged.
I'm not a big theory person. So when I get asked questions that demand serious statements, I just make it up.
I have always held to the theory that too much chalk may be just as bad for a novel as for a knee joint.
My theory is that women simply can't get along with each other or work well together.
I have a theory that the only way you can be any good is if the camera likes you. If the camera doesn't like you, you are gone.
I love academics, theory and all that. I love and admire that and try to do as much reading as I can.
My theory is because I'm Asian and white I sort of look like the future. I'm the melting pot.
If a philosophic theory is once ruled out of court, no one can tell when it will appear again.
Blind commitment to a theory is not an intellectual virtue it is an intellectual crime.
As for everything else, so for a mathematical theory beauty can be perceived but not explained.