He that is warm thinks all so.
A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy.
Whoever thinks of stopping the uprising before it achieves its goals, I will give him ten bullets in the chest.
Management thinks we are a terrorist group, a violent group or something like that.
Every man thinks his own geese swans.
A thief thinks everybody steals.
Every madman thinks all other men mad.
The thief who has no opportunity to steal thinks he is an honest man.
When al qaeda thinks you're crazy, you're really crazy, and these people are not just crazy – they're demonic.
Everyone thinks that it's a market that is declining, but it's still growing. It's declining growth.
A lover always thinks of his mistress first and himself second; with a husband it runs the other way.
He dotes on his midden and thinks it the moon.
The sparrow flying behind the hawk thinks the hawk is fleeing.
Whoever thinks his friend more important than his country, I rate him nowhere.
Everyone thinks the fashion business is so glamorous. It's completely the opposite.
He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't. This is an inexorable, indisputable law.
I'm not an ultra-libertarian who thinks there shouldn't be insider-trading laws at all.
In the age of cellphone cameras, everybody thinks of themselves as a tracker.
Every actor thinks he can do comedy, and it's not true.
I'm not rich, though everybody thinks I am.
It's what the reader thinks that counts.
If someone thinks homosexuality is immoral, they have a right to believe that.
Everybody thinks about Bo Derek as being this extravagant looking lady but she is also a wonderful actress.
I'm not gay - everybody thinks I am - but I dig 'The L Word.'
A crow thinks her own bird fairest.
Every man thinks god is on his side. The rich and powerful know he is.
She is such a health food nut, she thinks a grape is wine in pill form.
If you're an attractive guy, everyone thinks you're successful just because of the way you look. I hate that.