I once had a thousand desires. But in my one desire to know you all else melted away.
The sea complains upon a thousand shores.
If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied.
There has been so much written and said about the murder, and thousands of suppositions, but not a trace of reality.
Look on instagram, you'll see many thousands of posts by young people, snickering about smoking it in class.
There are hundreds of thousands of cars that are vulnerable on the road right now.
We had students who were hundreds, thousands of miles away, there was absolutely no education going on at the school.
Thousands, hundreds of thousands of people were killed all in the name of catholicism and progress, so to speak.
You know all of the rhetoric you see. ' Thousands points of light.' what the hell was that by the way ?
I can bake, if you need bread for a thousand guys, or cakes or cookies or turnovers or doughnuts.
Now it will be invaded by thousands of part-timers.
The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour.
A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.
God is dead, but fifty thousand social workers have risen to take his place.
They've had tens of thousands of job cuts already and it's not been the answer so far. It's repeating the same pattern.
I felt like a thousand pounds had lifted off my chest, I could breathe again.
He who has a thousand friendsHas not a friend to spare,While he who has one enemyShall meet him everywhere.
There are thousands of us on the bridge at the moment.
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.
It took man thousands of years to put words down on paper, and his lawyers still wish he wouldn't.
When you say something, and a thousand people are hearing it, you hope you leave an impression.
Thousands of people go to jail, go to prison, every year without even meeting with an attorney.
If you allow thousands or millions of unidentified persons into your house, the risk of... Terrorism will significantly increase.
There is going to be a hundred thousand doors slammed in your face before one opens, so feel ok about taking rejection.
I want to create a thousand paintings, maybe two thousand paintings, as many as I can draw.
There are a thousand weird untold stories in the Australian film industry, this has been one of them.
I've helped many, many, many children, thousands of children, cancer kids, leukemia kids.
I'm like thousands of women in South Africa who lost their men to cities and prisons... I stand defiant, tall and strong.
Up to a thousand milligrams of caffeine is considered safe for most people, which translates into about 10 cups of coffee a day.
I am happy that thousands of students, young designers and fashion people will be able to see and study my work in every aspect of it.