'Balls of Fury' was my first time directing, and that's a movie that I think parts of it are great.
'Castaway' is my favorite movie, and any time I read about a castaway or a story like that, it just interests me a lot.
'Closed timelike curve' is the jargon for time travel. It means you go out, come back and meet yourself in the past.
'Drive' is a genre piece, and a lot of times we don't get really sophisticated genre films.
'Fallout 76' and 'Blades' get a lot of my time right now. I'm in more meetings as it's gotten bigger.
'Frances' is a longtime family name on my dad's side. My grandfather, father, brother, and my daughter's name is Frances.
'Give up... It's time to quit,' I don't think I've ever really accepted those kinds of words in my life or vocabulary.
'Jaws,' first time I saw it, I forgot I was in it. True. Totally forgot, and got as scared as everybody else, and it's a great movie.
'Kukla, Fran and Ollie' occurred in real time and was a benign and bewitching example of pure television.
Heaven is here when time is not. To live without time means to live without friction, with no wear and tear. That is the space of non-engagement, non-interference.
In the absence of that, these alumni, students, university and national organizations, have a hard time working together.
To be suspicious is not a fault. To be suspicious all the time without coming to a conclusion is the defect.