This will have an impact on the timing of considering a new attorney general.
The timing of a correction in the u.s. Chip sector will likely determine the performances of japanese technology shares.
In politics and life, timing is everything.
The timing of and circumstances surrounding this announcement are particularly troubling.
The timing of the arrests is obviously of interest especially in this politically charged week before the LegCo vote.
Observe due measure, for right timing is in all things the most important factor.
The precise timing is probably based on inflation. Our view is that it will be september, with june an outside possibility.
The timing may not obviously be the best, but fifa welcomes the process.
Timing is everything We do think that we are close to a bottom here now, just by virtue of the cost to produce metals.
People are sick of timing the fed when it comes to this sector. They don't want to miss the boat.
Timing is not on hillary's side.
Duration, timing and quality of sleep are the key factors.
I think the timing is right for indonesian players to actually realize basically decent valuations.
Timing in life is difficult.
For comedy, timing is key.
As usual, my timing is bizarrely good.
I'm such a profound believer that timing is everything; I would tattoo that on my arm.
Timing in life is everything.
Timing really is nearly everything. And what it isn't, circumstance makes up for.
Timing has a lot to with art.
As in life, so with television timing is everything.
I think timing is everything.
Timing is everything with relationships.
It's about timing and rhythm. But who could be better than Chaplin or Keaton?
Early on, they were timing my contract with an egg timer.
Acting is all about timing. I mean, who has better timing than the MCs?
My timing and pressure is the definition of MMA.
I won't say I am a strict mother, but discipline is important. Timing and routine are important for kids.
It just seemed the timing of it was a little bit of pandering to the public at a time of an election.
Rhythm and timing are so important in comedic acting.