Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner.
The only thing that holds a marriage together is the husband being big enough to step back and see where the wife was wrong.
Love . . . Binds everything together in perfect harmony.
There is probably nothing like living together for blinding people to each other.
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
The trouble is that not enough people have come together with the firm determination to live the things which they say they believe.
We're all in this together - by ourselves.
We're all in this together ... Alone.
Success weakens and failure strengthens and together they remove imperfections to bring excellence in making life worthwhile.
We came together around a strong agreement the world needed, we met the moment.
As folks around the world join together in the fight against this terrible disease, I want to hear from you.
We will continue to work together no matter what our titles are.
We've been able to work together to sort this out, we're both doing our best.
It all came together perfectly.
The most important thing that we can do is build together and mobilize our people to spread the word.
In the past, people worked together only when some great disaster threatened.
EmTech Asia brings together some of the brightest minds in technology and computer security.
Let us together create the new building of the future, which will be everything in one form architecture and sculpture and painting.
The two together are a really great combo the family life and then being able to go play some shows and write.
When Dee Snider and I get together for breakfast, it's just two Long Island guys hanging out.
Girls go out together to see a chick flick or something. I loathe, I hate, chick flicks.
My mom, my aunt, and my grandma banded together and gave me a village of support when I was growing up.
Socks and sandals together are absolutely fine, as long as your flares are wide enough to cover your feet.
Only together do Europe and the U.S. Stand a chance of keeping liberal democracy as the central doctrine for organizing world affairs.
Beena and I didn't move in together until we got married.
Working together we can strengthen Delaware State University and the students who attend it.
If we can put together a Mexican businessman and a U.S. Businessman, they will find a way to do more business.
One of the things that hold together a human society is the existence of basic politeness among its members.
I manage to scrape together a private life, despite the press.
When you win, you win together and when you lose, you lose together too.