When you have tools with which to stalk everyone all the time, the most seemingly aloof person wins.
You can have all the tools in the world but if you don't genuinely believe in yourself, it's useless.
I can use most of the tools that every American teenager can master. Maybe not all of them.
I have Pro Tools on my computer, and I make CDs all the time.
As an actress, my best tools are my emotions and expressions.
Stone tools have been found in Mexico that suggest the existence of humans there around 23000 years ago.
I am going to be looking for all the tools that are available to the agency to make sure stuff gets done.
We have all the tools to be able tell when this kind of phenomena occurs, we only really need effective action.
My tools are musicians, effects, things like that.
We're concerned about this increase, the traditional tools we have been using do not seem to be as effective.
I'm from the pre-Pro Tools era where you had to meet up with the artist and go over things if you wanted to record a track.
Using political tools to change social conditions won't work.
Troubles are often the tools god fashions us for better things.
I have a pro tools rig that I carry in my backpack.
The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.
I don't use tools to create things, but I use them to realize things.
I don't want to wear my compositional tools on my sleeve.
I have all the tools and gadgets. I tell my son, who's a producer, 'You never work for the machine; the machine works for you.'
I have the tools and the size to be a good defender. I've just got to be able to put it all together.
I really set out to build tools on top of google and then slowly got to something that could launch.
I think I have all tools in the world to beat anybody at 125 pounds. I really do.
I use Pro Tools version 9 LE at home and I take that on the road with me.
I used tools that were uncommon when I was administrator.
I was a truly loving mom, but I didn't have the tools to do the job.
I would encourage nonproprietary standards for tools and libraries.
I would support whatever tools we have available, there's no reason in the world for this information not to be available.