Even the hen looks toward heaven when she drinks.
Paddle together, bail, paddle; paddle, bail; paddle towards the land.
He who is not friendly towards a good guest will never have one.
As water runs towards the sword money towards the rich man's hand.
Towards evening the lazy person begins to get busy.
When a man is coming toward you, you need not say, "come here."
When we take one step toward to god, he takes seven steps toward us.
If you are travelling towards the east, you will inevitably move away from the west.
As you behave towards others, expect that others will behave to you.
Flight towards preferment will be but slow without some golden feathers.
The day we fear hastens toward us, the day we long for creeps.
The first step toward greatness is to be honest.
The safe should open towards the north or the east. So, keep it along south or the west.
The first steps toward spiritual freedom from the worldly bonds and fetters are to control one's mind, to stop idle talk, and to be somewhat pensive.
Thirty-six streams are rushing toward you! Desire and pleasure and lust... Play in your imagination with them and they will sweep you away.
What is defeat? Nothing but education, nothing but the first step toward something better.
What is agony of the spirit? To advance toward death without seizing hold of the water of life.
What goes toward the principal is $200 more a month.
What all these folks are doing is working towards what they believe is the president's agenda, not their own.
Well, I'm leaning probably toward the sciences like physics.
We're trying to work toward a responsible solution that is doable.
We're trending towards the holodeck. Eventually we'll have a system that's indistinguishable from reality.
We're moving towards looking at an old surplus, rather than a new one being built up.
We're moving toward resolution of that.
We're headed towards a very, very difficult situation.
We will now try to move towards a final agreement.
We will be drastic toward those who in blind madness dare to steal the public's money.
We should be moving toward local currencies not global or European currencies.
We need to see some progress toward restoring normality to the city.
We must work towards solutions that make housing, transportation, the workforce, and higher education more equitable.