This is a typical oil tracking rally.
Early traction of Tesla is tracking very closely to Apple.
We're still tracking at very high monthly numbers compared to every other market.
I don't write tracking shots in my screenplays or any camera directions, but I do try to give a sense of how the action is moving.
They have to be very careful they don't stray from the benchmarks as measured by the tracking error.
People tracking your life and photographing you anywhere you go, that can make you crazy.
Tracking down people who did not want to be found was vital to what I did for a living, and I was good at it.
We need to act through data tracking ... To see when treatments are benefiting and when they are not.
With technology tracking us everywhere we go, 'cosplay' might become our best defense against surveillance.
The aussie dollar tracking above 81 cents is probably undermining a lot of the potential across the sectors of our market.
Gunfire tracking technology is improving every day and has been successful in many jurisdictions around the country.
Speed kills in the tracking business, we have been testing out several services as we move in that direction.
People are literally tracking everything. People are becoming more empowered and knowing what's going into their body.