Patients should have equal access to treatments regardless of their income level.
I think the treatments are fantastic, as long as we get people to that stage in the cascade, the outlook is very good.
Doctors have made it clear that my treatment plan may not cure me but it will prolong my life.
Medical treatment is generally required at [blood lead] levels greater than 45 micrograms perdeciliter.
Treatment has to be as identical as possible and that's why we are fighting.
Expanding access to treatment is essential, but we will not treat ourselves out of the aids epidemic.
Fair treatment of human beings and animals in many different realms strikes a chord with me.
Window treatments are like a nice suit - you want them to fit and the tailoring to be just right.
Researchers, treatment providers - we all have a stake in the drug hysteria game.
A disease and its treatment can be a series of humiliations, a chisel for humility.
It's interesting that the treatment of historical events by art precedes the civilisation of people through democracy.
As in nature, as in art, so in grace; it is rough treatment that gives souls, as well as stones, their luster.
I've been in a treatment center for drinkin'. I stayed for two days, then escaped.
I get treatment every day, just to keep on top of my body and help me recover, and it's really helped me a lot.
Treatment is the way to go. It can work if you have the right model.
We are a research center and treatment facility all under one roof.
They had told him they couldn't do anymore treatment because he was too weak, his immune system and body were so frail.
The tool was a success but the lobotomy as treatment was a terrible failure.
Most current wastewater treatment processes do not effectively remove PFASs.
This marks the end of the chemotherapy era in second-line treatment of lung cancer.
He who lives by medical treatment has but a wretched existence.
Early identification and treatment of tb infection is the key to preventing progression to tb disease.
One of the most difficult things to do after treatment is being expected to go back to the civilian world.
I do hot oil treatments at home while I'm cleaning my house or whatever.
But the best treatment for priapism is to avoid getting it in the first place by taking your ed medications as instructed.
Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement.