We know customers, especially millennial customers, are hungry for new food trends and cool ways to experience food.
I would love to try trends from the '60s and '70s and on but still keep my look modern and young.
We have to reverse spending trends that are not job-creating.
I like trendy clothes just like everybody else does.
Trend readings of both initial and continuing claims remain low from a historical perspective, which we expect to continue.
You don't need to follow trends to be stylish.
My style is not trendy by any means; my inner artists loves to shine through in my wardrobe.
The market sentiment is positive; the trend and the momentum points to further gains.
Generally, a rising trend in rates is bearish for stocks; a falling trend is bullish.
A wacky, trendy outfit on a guy over 40 indicates he's got big issues.
And when we look at children, we see trends that are really, really alarming.
If this trend continues, we would expect a closer election.
I have a trend of my own.
Trends keep changing, but I have and will always do what I like to do!
There is absolutely a trend to an earlier holiday. And so we are trying to meet that demand.
In the 1970s, there was a trend for all detectives on TV to have some quirk or gimmick, and this was often physical.
I'm not too into the trends - I like to look at trends as suggestions, not as rules.
It resembles a lot of diet trends out there that we don't know the long-term effects of.
I can imagine that we will see a further downwards trend in prices.
There is definitely a trend of broadening the idea of who a gamer is.
Kidnap-for-ransom continues to plague the region, which is a trend that has unfortunately continued from 2016.
I make clothing, and I don't care about trendy things.
The big trend near this age group continues to be new adult, with much more sexy, adult story lines.
We expect this trend to continue till January.
Basically, they are following the political trends and they're grabbing the business opportunities that result.
The constructive trend in claims in recent weeks suggests that the positive labor market trend is continuing.
The pp should be worried because the trend is clearly on the downside.
Trends don't interest me.
Shibuya is a trendy part of Tokyo where young people come to meet and have a good time.