... Melania trump no longer deserves the honor of serving in the white house.
A lot of people misunderstood I think, when trump compliments putin.
A low voter turnout, somebody like a trump can win. High voter turnout, the democratic candidate will win.
A Trump presidency feels as if we've crawled between the covers of a really crummy book.
A Trump presidency will plunge the United States into an era of unknowns that has little parallel in the nation's 240-year history.
A vote for donald trump is a vote to have a nation of laws. A vote for hillary clinton is a vote for open borders.
Across the spectrum of foreign policy, mr. Trump talks about things as though he's still on 'the apprentice.'.
Advises trump to support romney's senate bid - nyt :.
All in all, Donald Trump appeals to people who want to be seen the way that Donald Trump sees them.
All in all, if trump arrives, the chances of stronger ties will be good because he would want allies.
All of these things are affecting the Trump administration's credibility, but both sides have credibility problems.
America under Trump has gone from being a world leader to an object of derision.
And I think the donald trump phenomenon is a real problem for the united states, making their democracy look kind of weird.
Andy, please don't, donald trump will kill both of us.
Any vote Trump knocks off of Bush isn't going to go Trump.
If his goal is to have Trump lose, I dont know how thats going to help.
I expect Trump will stall at every opportunity.
The spectacle, i've never seen Trump in person.
I think Donald Trump is going to spend a lot of money on advertising ultimately, donald Trump is going to get bombarded.
Donald Trump has Donald Trump golf clubs and Ted Cruz has Ted Cruz shotgun.
The Trump economy continues to work very, very well, it's good news for the market.
Hmmm a couple of spanks and Trump started acting more appropriate. John Kelly, you know what to do.
Melania Trump learns all Melania Trump can about the customs and traditions of the host country before every foreign trip.
We were all hoping that Trump would make an example of him, they don't fire anybody here, but they just canned this guy.
Trump has been honest enough to say what we're all thinking but we're all scared to say.
The road to re-election for Donald Trump cannot go anywhere but through Ohio.
President Trump is as destructive a person in this century, as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were in the last century.
President Donald Trump sent us that hospital that's right here in the Manhattan harbor and no one can get on that hospital.
Donald Trump flipped flopped on issues. He gives to candidates whose positions are repugnant to most conservatives.