As it turns out, just hanging out around athletes doesn't actually make one more fit.
I hope he turns it around.
Nothing turns me off faster than a guy being unkind.
Facebook it turns out, is like MySpace but it's not scary. There aren't a lot of angry looking people with nose rings and um, issues.
It turns out that the sound of a person's voice is related to their health, their fertility.
As to Batman, turns out I really prefer Robin over the Dark Knight.
Income tax returns are the most imaginative fiction being written today.
Flash turns up the optical volume so that whatever lies behind the lens - be it film or a digital sensor - is a little more receptive.
History turns me on. I was terrible at it at in school, but as I get older, I get more and more into it.
Don't be surprised at Fortune's turns and twists That wheel has spun a thousand yarns before.
I used to be afraid of my temper, but it turns out I don't really have one.
I think a man turns into a writer by editing his own texts.
As the country now turns a new leaf, our ambition is to give hope to each and every Afghan.
Shopping turns me off.
It turns out that no undergrad class prepares you to start a startup - you learn most of it as you do it.
Joy surfeited turns to sorrow.
When the mouse has had its fill, the meal turns bitter.
A good driver turns in a small space.
Deceit always returns to its master.
He who holds the handle of the frying-pan turns it as he pleases.
He who turns aside avoids danger.
One always returns to one's first love.
The devil's meal turns half to bran.
The have always returns to her form.
When the devil grows old he turns himself hermit.
Who goes and returns makes a journey.
A wheel that turns gathers no rust.
The devil turns away from a closed door.
Who goes to rome a beast returns a beast.
A fallen blossom never returns to the branch.