A gross is twelve dozen.
Jesus had twelve disciples.
Twelve tribes were started after Moses led his people out of Egypt.
Twelve in Roman Numerals is XII.
A group of twelve things is called a Duodecad.
In English, twelve is the largest number that has just one syllable.
There are twelve pairs of ribs in the human body normally.
Twelve men have walked on the Earth's moon.
A cheetah can live up to twelve years in the wild, and twenty in captivity.
The jury consist of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.
After ten or twelve years you can only play something so long and then you start to parody it.
So when I was told to work, ten, twelve hours a day as an assistant pro, I didn't complain. It was normal.
I'm not going to be a ten or twelve grand-slam winner. It's not going to happen.
There are only twelve tones and they need to be treated carefully.
'She's Gotta Have It' was shot in twelve days and two six-day weeks.
Halfway is twelve miles when you have fourteen miles to go.
I don't count them to you, wife, but a hog makes twelve puddings.
I have no trouble with the twelve inches between my elbow and my palm. It's the seven inches between my ears that's bent.
I know that the twelve notes in each octave and the varieties of rhythm offer me opportunities that all of human genius will never exhaust.
I learned that the purpose of the Twelve Steps is to do the will of God.
I left the Midwest when I was twelve years old, and I haven't lived in a small town since.
I was twelve when I went to boarding school in Edinburgh.
I was twelve years old when I started reading 'Vogue.'
I was what? - Twelve years old - and I was thrown in the cells with these people, so I learned fast.
I wrote for twelve years and collected 250 rejection slips before getting any fiction published, so I guess outside reinforcement isn't all that important to me.
If I'm going to work for twelve hours a day, I want twelve hours of awesomeness!
It started twelve and went on until twelve. I never had to buy a drink all day!
It used to be twelve people crowded around a sewing table; now it's ten.