He devil is not so ugly as he is painted.
Neither handsome enough to kill nor ugly enough to frighten away.
No woman is ugly if she is well dressed.
The devil is not so ugly as he is painted.
Neither handsome enough to kill, nor ugly enough to frighten.
No woman is ugly when she is dressed.
She who loves an ugly man thinks him handsome.
There is no pot so ugly but finds its cover.
Better to kiss an ugly woman than to lick yourself.
Even ugly faces are worth looking at - and that is a great comfort for most people.
A rich man is never ugly in the eyes of a girl.
There are no beautiful prisons or ugly loved ones.
A beautiful woman belongs to everyone; an ugly one is yours alone.
A gilt-edged visiting card often hides an ugly face.
Having need of makes the ugly beautiful.
Ugly people look prettier in the dark.
To take the ugly language out of 'Ragtime' is to sanitize it, and that does it a great disservice.
Things can turn ugly so quickly in the music business, especially if you have an unexpected success.
These were some very ugly scenes where people were punched, kicked and stamped on and glasses and chairs were thrown.
There is no such thing as an ugly accent, like there's no such thing as an ugly flower.
There are no ugly women; there are only women who do not know how to look pretty.
There are no ugly ducklings.
The ugly truth is it's the spineless parents who parade their undisciplined children around like royalty that make people dislike kids.
The ugly heart of the South still beats with this idea that one group of people is worth less.
The truth was I felt ugly growing up. I only really started feeling comfortable in myself when I was 40.
The looking glass is the enemy of ugly women.
The great tragedy of science: the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.