Typically, I don't get to unwind after a day at work.
Finding 15 or 30 minutes a day to unwind is very helpful to keep your mind, body and spirit in balance.
To think we are going to unwind this without any market turbulence is unrealistic to me.
There's no reason to unwind a hedge yet.
By the thread we unwind the skein.
It's not a vicious unwind like 2008, it's the shock of the price moves that reminds me of that time.
I generally unwind by having dinner with close friends.
A macro unwind (of its positions) could cause severe selling given positioning and the nature of the players in this rally.
For me, I'll unwind at the end of the day by soaking in Epsom salts. It's the routine I prefer for coming down after crazy days.
I like to unwind by doing nothing. If I do get a day, I just like to vegetate and laze around.
Just like investors unwind their positions in the dollar and commodities, they avoid all risky assets including stocks.
I don't really unwind after a performance. I'm still pumped up and just want to get back on stage.
During the season, most of my time to unwind is in my car ride home. When I get home, it's being with my kids.