Each suburban housewife spends her time presiding over a power plant sufficient to have staffed the palace of a roman emperor with a hundred slaves.
Lapland is the antithesis to the urban hustle and bustle.
There's this increasing growth of urban refugees... Many of them are going to be living in very poor urban conditions.
The causes of the civil disturbance in baltimore last year have not been eliminated.
Once they get inside an urban area, your air assets and artillery become much less useful.
In the battlefield of the immediate future, urban warfare will require more specialized skills such as the use of snipers.
The fact that urban growth is less and less planned is a very, very worrisome situation.
This impact was n't limited to urban areas or population centers, or safety net hospitals.
It's not an urban legend.
It's illogical to have a grand plan for urban agriculture given how fertile the land is in venezuela.
Contrary to urban legend, Jagermeister does not contain elk blood, however the founder was an avid hunter, and the name Jagermeister literally translates to "hunt master".
If you're a suburban kid, and you're 30 minutes from New York City, that's the luckiest thing in the world.
When I do music I don't think about urban music, pop or country, I just think about a good song.
Urban legend has it that Area 51 is connected by underground tunnels and trains to other secret facilities around the country.
Urban farming is not only possible, it is crucial. But it can't be like the farming techniques of yore.
In the urban areas, we have focused on infrastructure roads, telecommunications, power.
Canada can be tough for urban music.
You know, urban culture is fun; it's lovely.
Companies operating in urban communities have a tremendous ripple effect.
Porridge and the urban lifestyle don't mix well.
I've never looked at a suburban building as being a minor building and an urban building as being a major building.
There are not many girls doing reggaeton or urban music in the Latin music industry.
Urban Outfitters - I love it. It's almost like Forever 21, but for, like, the 24- to 25-year-old girl, getting a little bit older.
Urban music in the Spanish-language is a force to be reckoned with, there's truly something for everyone in it.
I grew up in suburban New Jersey in a transitional area that was surrounded by farmland that wasn't being cultivated.
In an urban area, you're not going to be an hour away from another post office.
Stockholm is surely an urban planner's dream. Everything works. Everything looks good.
Democrats do best in urban centers, Republicans in outer suburbs and rural areas.