If neither animal nor vegetable you be, then mineral you are.
Eat vegetables and fear no creditors, rather than eat duck and hide.
If neither animal nor vegetable you be, then mineral you are. If one finger brought oil it soiled others.
As I am a vegetarian, I told them about vegetable dishes ... For example borani banjan.
Cabbage a familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and wise as a man's head.
Diets low in fruit and vegetables have a strong negative health impact.
I would rather have the whole vegetable blended as opposed to having a juice that is filtered.
In the villages, most of these vegetables grow as weeds.
Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat.
Non-violence is the policy of the vegetable kingdom.
Organic broccoli is the fountain of youth vegetable - johnny wowk aka johnny the walker.
These items are usually not as nutrient rich as 100 calories of fruits, vegetables or whole-grain foods.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are an easy first choice.
Any time you concentrate a vegetable or a fruit, it's going to be higher in sugars and carbohydrates and calories.
It has a really wonderful mouthfeel… a very vegetable type of taste, and it's very savory.
The fear of vegetables is called lachanophobia.
Fruits and vegetables grow larger in alaska than elsewhere.
Vegetarians eat vegetable based cheeses, which are usually almond or soy based.
I just became a vegetable for three months. I couldn't talk to people. I was very ill and that was part of the reason I left college.
I eat mostly vegetables and fish.
I grow vegetables - I'm a vegetarian; I've got strawberries, artichokes, leeks, broad beans.
My goal involves a hammock, a vegetable patch, and a solar-powered house. And I hope to eventually get there.
I love to roast vegetables - carrots, fennel, and so on. I also love to mash or puree pretty much any vegetable!
In short, the animal and vegetable lines, diverging widely above, join below in a loop.
I can chop and peel vegetables but can't cook full meals.
I eat fish, chicken, vegetables and other healthier foods. I do love a great steak.
I get around nature. I have a vegetable garden, and I enjoy being outside. I do work quite a bit around the house.
Go vegetable heavy. Reverse the psychology of your plate by making meat the side dish and vegetables the main course.
I don't like vegetables and most fruit.
Let the fresh fruits and vegetables be your guide, and make something that will keep for the whole week.