Our veterans have been absolutely treated horribly and we're going to take care of our vets.
Helping veterans isn't just a part of my job. For me, it's personal. It's in my blood.
I have veterans in my family. But I didn't know anything about DAV, Disabled American Veterans.
I co-founded the DNC Veterans and Military Families Council in 2005.
You don't go after veterans in this country. If there's one thing that's sacrosanct, it is the American military veteran.
Veterans continue to get the short end of the stick when it comes to this administration.
What the 1990s taught the Clinton veterans was that you could 'triangulate' with a GOP-controlled Congress.
Our veterans have already given everything they have to support and defend our nation - some of them sacrificing life and limb.
Everybody has to make veterans affairs own decisions on veterans affairs.
Our veterans made a commitment to our country when they signed up.
In the veterans administration, the incompetence is beyond. We will stop that, we are going to take care of our veterans.
We have 22 veterans a day across the country committing suicide.
Our veterans deserve better.
As veterans we should be smarter about how we talk about things.
Blind veterans can't see fancy sculptures, and all veterans would be happier if they could just see a doctor.
For our veterans to have to wait long periods of time to receive care is not only unacceptable to us, but to elected officials as well.
Veterans are generally reluctant to seek mental health care.
We know that veterans have valuable skills and experiences that are highly sought after in today's workforce.
Too many veterans are poor or near poor and homeless because of it.
America's disabled veterans answered our country's call, and when their time in uniform is done, our country must stand with them.
Veterans come from all walks of life, and they live in small towns and big cities, in red states and blue states.
Military veterans and the sacrifices they have made for our country carry a status we all should appreciate and honor.
With my He's a 10 brand, I plan on donating to the disabled veterans that have given so much for our country.
We owe it to all our veterans to make sure they have a chance to achieve the American Dream, just like the rest of us.
Veterans Day is a time to celebrate the men and women who have worn this nation's uniform and to honor their service.
Veterans are one area where Republicans and Democrats have made progress together.
Veterans have stood up for us.