Viral videos aren't just about being funny. They're about identity creation.
Ben Smith's quick-hit campaign 'scoops' are about as viral as cat videos. That fits with Buzzfeed.
It was too early, there are so many other viral possibilities and zika had never been seen in this hemisphere.
The jihadists don't have sophisticated training facilities so they have gone to the viral world.
Once a viral program gets started, there is nothing to stop it.
If you become a viral star, that is terrific!
I wouldn't say you can engineer viral. But there is viral content that comes from dense communities.
I actually don't mind viral trends. I think most of them are inexplicably really funny.
Viral word-of-mouth marketing for GoPro is massive. Video is really the conduit.
When you get your viral load down to zero, you reduce the risk of transmission of HIV by 90 percent.
I came up with Hotmail's viral marketing idea.
With social media, if you have a viral video people can like what you do and it's homegrown and very organic.
Not only was I a victim of viral humiliation but a victim of cyber-bullying.
Everybody can have a viral success. You find something unique, that can happen.
I've definitely pitched some viral ideas and do have a pretty good understanding of the Web.