The corn is not choked by the weeds but by the negligence of the farmer.
You can pull all these weeds out, but if you still have one there, the weeds can grow back again.
Arrogance is a weed that grows mostly on a dunghill.
Weeds last the season.
Weeds blend in; roses stand out.
I like weeds and hardy plants.
Weeds want no sowing.
One ill weed mars a whole pot of pottage.
Ill weeds are not hurt by frost.
Go often to the house of a friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path.
Ill weeds grow the fastest and last the longest.
Weeds never die out.
Ill weed grows fast.
To an optimist every weed is a flower; to a pessimist every flower is a weed.
Criticizing another's garden doesn't keep the weeds out of your own.
Go often to the house of thy friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path.
You kind of need to weed through who is wanting to be a true friend.
Companies need to weed out drivers who dont drive well or have got poor ratings from the customers.
You have to know the weeds - to have lived in them - to delegate. I wouldn't want to be a leader who had never lived in the weeds.
Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil.
My partner and I weed through our bookshelves and throw stuff out regularly.
A weed is but an unloved flower.
Seaweed sheets are my go-to for my salty chip cravings, especially wasabi flavored ones.
Violence is like a weed - it does not die even in the greatest drought.
We must weed out corruption and build a strong system of justice that the people can trust.