Youth and white paper take any impression.
Your white uniform as a black domestic was your ticket anywhere in town.
You whites make all the ammunition.
You white folks see UFOs in your dreams. You don't hear about Martians in Harlem.
You see all these movies of white men saving the world all the time.
You didn't think of angels as white or black. They were angels.
You couldn't even prove the white house staff sane beyond a reasonable doubt.
You cannot draw white cloth from a dying vat.
You can take the white out of the white trash but you can't take the white trash out of the white.
You can put Trump in the White House, but you need to prepare for a revolt because I'm going nuts.
Yeah, I'm running for the White House again. Well, it's not a run, really; it's sort of a brisk walk.
Writing about dead white males seems to be out of favor among academics.
Working at the White House is an honor for any preacher's kid from Magnolia, but the issue is jobs.
Without a doubt, Dana White is my biggest influence.
With the White Sox, when we do stuff, everybody's opinion is asked for, is given and then decisions are made on just about everything.
I hate old white men.
And yet I think The White Cliffs of Dover one of my best films.
It must be so nice to be a white male.
That space between the white lines, that's my office. That's where I conduct my business.
When you die, we go back to the white energy of all the white energy white heat that's flung against the sky and becomes a star.
When I was growing up, my white friends would call me 'Hey, Chief!' Even when I go to work now, people call me 'Chief.'
I am black in a predominantly white industry, and I have been luckier than most.
I don't see a white woman. I see a black woman, even though my mother is white. Knowing that has made my life easier, I think.
Most white people cannot answer the question, 'What does it mean to be white?' with any depth or complexity.
Only lawyers and painters can turn white to black.
White people just don't want their slaves to be free. That's the whole thing.
Under white ashes there is glowing coal.
A female Great White can have up to ten young.
Floyd Thompson, a white man, desegregated NASA. Period.