Good wine makes good blood.
Men are like wine some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.
They forgive the wine but they hang the bottle.
Wine is mentioned in the Christian Bible over 500 times.
You can enjoy a $15 bottle of wine as much as you can enjoy a $100 bottle of wine.
The Wine of Life keeps oozing drop by drop, The Leaves of Life keep falling one by one.
The mountaineer's ass carries wine and drinks water.
Wine is one thing, drunkenness another.
Language is wine upon the lips.
Friends and wine should be old.
With bread and wine you can walk your road.
I pray on the principle that wine knocks the cork out of a bottle. There is an inward fermentation, and there must be a vent.
Come with me while the wine shop is still open. We are dizzy with meeting each other.
It's the dissolved solids that remain that do the damage, and beer and wine have lots of them.
Wine makes a man more pleased with himself; I do not say that it makes him more pleasing to others.
Wine gives a man nothing... It only puts in motion what had been locked up in frost.
Of wine the middle, of oil the top, and of honey the bottom is best.
A good bottle of wine does not need a cork.
As in the case of wines that improve with age, the oldest friendships ought to be the most delightful.
English wine is nonsense. They are over-priced and not very good.
Italian wines are my favorites. I like a big, booming red wine that blows your taste buds away.
As the best wine doth make the sharpest vinegar, so the deepest love turneth to the deadliest hate.
Don't put new wine into old bottles.
If the landlady is fair, the wine is fair.
He who is drunk from wine can sober up, he who is drunk from wealth cannot.
Pastors come for your wine and officers for your daughters.
When the wine is in, the wit is out.
Where the hostess is beautiful the wine is tasty.