There's a field somewhere beyond all doubt and wrong doing. I'll meet you there.
It was going all wrong at my college interview until I nonchalantly asked, "do you need any large donations for new buildings?"
For the cause that lacks assistance, the wrong that needs resistance, for the future in the distance, and the good that I can do.
Be strong! It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong how hard the battle goes, the day how long faint not-fight on! Tomorrow comes the song.
Unhappiness indicates wrong thinking, just as ill health indicates a bad regimen.
There is nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation.
Truth forever on the scaffold. Wrong forever on the throne.
Literature is the effort of man to indemnify himself for the wrongs of his condition.
There ain't nothing but one thing wrong with every one of us, and that's selfishness.
Our marriage is based on compromise-he admits he's wrong and I forgive him.
It is quite wrong to think of old age as a downward slope. On the contrary, one climbs higher and higher with the advancing years, and that, too, with surprising strides.
Do not choose to be wrong for the sake of being different.
Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I'll meet you there.
There are those who are so scrupulously afraid of doing wrong that they seldom venture to do anything.
Keys to a miserable life: value the wrong things.
Amit Shah has wrongly been protected and we will challenge the court's order in the high court.
A failure is just the wrong way of looking at a missed opportunity!!!
Two wrongs may not make a right, but they can surely mislead a right.
You picked the wrong person to mess with, I will f- your world up.
When something is wrong I like to right it.
We run when everything that is wrong with Cairo is asleep, and that has been our winning formula.
What Happened After I was Wrongly Accused of Harassment.
It's wrong for him to use the portraits of our ancestors for personal gain.
Everything wrong with the government spying on a candidate of the opposition party. That's a Watergate.
I knew that my behavior was wrong when I committed it, and am truly remorseful for the harms I committed.
What's wrong with Hershey Co. Is that it has a breathtaking concentration in the stock of a single company.
The problem is the amount of migrants with the wrong papers, obviously, even if they have tickets, it is not enough.
There is never a bad joke, it's adressing to a wrong audience that makes it look bad!
Nothing is ever wrong if you learn out of it and nothing is right if it makes you arrogant. Watch On!
You cannot do wrong without suffering wrong.