You never are so easily mistaken as when you think you know the way.
Your biggest strength is your ability to appreciate the imperfection of your life.
The songs from your childhood, when you hear them you get chills all over.
Tell your secret to your friend and he will set his foot on your neck.
You can never enter the same river twice.
Take a tylenol if you have a headache or achy joints, an antacid if you have heartburn or a nap if you're lethargic.
When you lose your mother at 20 and then your father soon after, melancholia is part of your life.
I enjoy working with the younger players and helping them to develop.
If you knew how cowardly your enemy is, you would slap him. Bravery is knowledge of the cowardice in the enemy.
Would you know your daughter? See her in company.
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Changes your life, getting into the Hall of Fame. For the rest of my life, I'll be known as Hall of Famer George Kell.
You win some, you lose some.
Be angry with a murderer, but keep your compassion for his victim.
Sometimes your haters are your biggest motivators.
'How To Train your Dragon 2' is an amazing film. I think it's an extraordinary film. The animation in it is fantastic.
'In the Grace of Your Love' is a beautiful, eerie dance song.
'In the Making' reveals the truth about 'being in the limelight' as a young celebrity.
'Keep your head down at school.' Those are sage words from my dad. They kept me in check for years.
'Learn your lines.' I want that on my gravestone.
'Legacies' is its own show, and it takes on a younger twist to the supernatural world.
'Make your plate look like a Christmas tree,' I tell people, 'mostly green with splashes of other bright colors.'
'Neil Young Heart of Gold', that was a valentine to Nashville and country music in the Grand Ole Opry tradition and Hank Williams.
'None of Your Business.' It's the only Salt-N-Pepa song that I regret.
'Penny for Your Thoughts' was something I noodled on for a while.
'Pretty' is not the amount of makeup on your face or the shirt you're wearing or the size of your pants - that is false.
'Ready' is dedicated to young people who are not yet jaded and worn down by the realities of this world.
'Roadies' tests your mental and physical ability in the most challenging way, and I have gone through this.
'Rookie' is not your guide to Being a Teen. It is, quite simply, a bunch of writing and art we like and believe in.
'Saathiya' is about love, discovering yourself through the way you love someone.