Make yourself an ass, and every one will lay his sack on you.
Make yourself an ass, and you'll have every man's sack on your shoulders.
Stretch yourself according to your cover-lid.
Suit yourself to the times.
Keep yourself from opportunities and god will keep you from sins.
You have nobody to blame but yourself if you stumble more than once over the same stump.
Don't make yourself poor to one who won't make you rich.
Eat of your own, and call yourself mine (i.e. Be my servant and find yourself).
Seat yourself in your place, and they will not make you rise.
You may keep yourself safe from fire, but not from a bad man.
On a hot day muffle yourself more.
Seat yourself in your place and you will not be made to quit it.
So yourself be good, a fig for your grandfather.
What you dislike for yourself do not like for me.
If it's drowning you're after, don't torment yourself with shallow water.
You have to believe in yourself before anybody else believes in you.
Psych yourself up until you're confident that the world will be interested in what happens to your characters. Confidence is key.
You have to motivate yourself with challenges. That's how you know you're still alive.
It's difficult to see yourself up on screen without being a critic.
If you could get rid of yourself just once, the secret of secrets would open to you.
Put yourself on view. This brings your talents to light.
Reminding yourself of your strengths can help chip away at your core belief that you aren't good enough to be successful.
Commit yourself to an organization or cause that genuinely fires you up.
If you deprive yourself of something, you're going to want it more.
You fill yourself with the sharp pain of love, rather than its fulfillment.
Dance until you shatter yourself.
Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life. So aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something.
Do not let people put you down. Believe in yourself and stand for yourself and trust yourself.
Just set yourself a goal and try and stick to it. Because you'll always end up better than where you started.